When I became a mother in 2007 and I was 31 years old. My journey around understanding labels on food began. Buying and offering Organic for my family was very important to me. Finding options that were real food ingredients that were quick and easy was becoming a challenge. So you can imagine how excited I was to find a company that was offering Organic and Non-GMO Food that would be quick and easy. Many options are vegan, gluten free, raw, plant based and no need to worry about artificial colors, flavors, binders, filers, hormones, herbicides or pesticides. Finding these superfoods was a blessing to my whole family. I was aligned with this company and the high standards that they provide.
In the Spring of 2017 I was looking into more options to support my health. I was looking to specifically support my autoimmune disease. Finally, my “Aha Moment” came. Despite the fact that I was eating organic home cooked meals, I was realizing I was overfed and undernourished. That moment was my lightbulb moment and I decided to look more into Superfoods with a company called Purium. I am in remission today and I have released 50 pounds, cleared up my skin and have so much more energy.
Myself, my husband, our two children and our yorkie all use Superfoods daily.
Use code: alisonrand for savings off your first order.
A tip that works for me:
Focus on what superfood(s) you can add to your day. This is your journey and finding the pace that leads to success is what we are striving for. Whether you start with a 40day or a few items. It is a positive add-in to your day!